[Gmsh] GMSH

Christophe Geuzaine geuzaine at acm.caltech.edu
Wed Sep 25 19:35:57 CEST 2002

gary.w.gralton at power.alstom.com wrote:
> Dear Jean-Francois & Christophe:
> My company has a need for a mesh generator that can help us
> solve a radiation transfer problem. The situation is detailed in the
> attached files. Please advise if Gmsh can fill some or all of our
> needs (with modification, if necessary).

Gmsh is pretty primitive at handling hexahedral meshes (transfinite
+ extrusion only). If your code requires complex hexahedral meshes,
you might be better of with a multiblock mesh generator (there
are some free ones on the web --see e.g. Robert Schneiders' page:
If tetrahedra are OK and you don't have strong quality constraints
on the elements (i.e. some flat elements don't ruin your
convergence), then Gmsh could do the job.


Christophe Geuzaine

Tel: (626) 395-4552    http://www.geuz.org
Fax: (626) 578-0124    mailto:geuzaine at acm.caltech.edu