[gl2ps] Problems with depth-clipping of lines

Christophe Geuzaine cag32 at case.edu
Thu Dec 21 04:03:54 CET 2006

Hans Guijt wrote:
> I have an application that renders both triangles and lines. My triangles
> get depth-sorted and clipped (mostly) correctly, but the lines will render
> over everything else no matter their depth. On screen this doesn't happen.
> Am I doing something wrong, or am I expecting a feature that doesn't exist
> in the first place?

Hi Hans - the lines should be treated in the same way as the triangles 
(although with the BSP sort we are far from optimal, as we choose the 
splitting plane "randomly" for lines--i.e., we just choose one of the 
(infinity of) planes containing the line).

Could you send a small test code (or even just a .ps file) that shows 
the problem?


> NB. I'm not subscribed to this mailing list, and would be grateful if any 
> replies could also be sent to my address directly.
> Regards,
> H. Guijt
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Christophe Geuzaine
Assistant Professor, Case Western Reserve University, Mathematics