[gl2ps] What should PS and PDF output look like for examples?

E. Wing ewmailing at gmail.com
Sun Nov 12 13:22:48 CET 2006

Hi, I'm trying to figure out what the output is supposed to look like
for gl2ps. I downloaded the following files from your main web page:

Are they both supposed to look like the PNG also on your web page? Are
the outputs between the ps and pdf format supposed to be identical?

The reason I ask is because I don't see the same thing. I am running
Mac OS X 10.4 and using their built-in PDF renderer. In both cases,
the torus and triangles do not render correctly. The pink top of the
cube does not render in both cases as well. And in the PDF case, the
green bottom does not render either.

I've attached PNG snapshots of my Postscript and PDF outputs. I also
compiled and ran the source and experienced similar results. (I'm not
sure what I am supposed to be seeing in all the variants.)

Thank you,
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