[gl2ps] gl2ps - two questions

Christophe Geuzaine cag32 at case.edu
Fri Apr 7 03:06:40 CEST 2006

Ian D. Gay wrote:
> Two unrelated questions -
> 1. What is the purpose of the filename argument to gl2psBeginPage?
>    It doesn't seem to be used for anything.

It's only used for LaTeX output (cf. "\includegraphics{filename}").

> 2. I have been using SWIG to wrap gl2ps into a tcl package to use 
> alongside  Paul Obermeier's tclogl package. I would like to distribute 
> my package to the tcl community for free usage. Does the gl2ps license 
> permit this?


(Since tclogl is distributed under the BSD license, users of tclogl 
might want to use the "GL2PS" license instead of the GNU LGPL if they 
integrate tclogl in closed-source products. The only difference between 
the GL2PS license and the BSD license is that the GL2PS license requires 
that you/they distribute the sources of gl2ps if you/they modify the 

 > If so, what exactly should I distribute?

The sources + the license files (COPYING.GL2PS and COPYING.LGPL)



> Ian
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Christophe Geuzaine
Assistant Professor, Case Western Reserve University, Mathematics