[gl2ps] tight EPS bounding box

Stephane Popinet s.popinet at niwa.co.nz
Fri Jun 17 08:18:07 CEST 2005


First of all, thanks for this very nice library.

I was wondering if I was the only one interested in having the 
possibility of generating EPS files with a tight bounding box i.e. a 
bounding box enclosing as tightly as possible all the OpenGL entities 
rather than the default of using the viewport as the bounding box.

I know it's simple enough to recompute a tight bounding box for the EPS 
file afterward, but it would be nice if this was at least an option in 
gl2ps (I actually believe it should be the default for EPS files; this 
is, after all, the only difference between EPS and PS).

If people are interested I would be ready to try and code that up. The 
only difficulty I see is that the bounding box must be calculated before 
the postscript file is generated (because the %BoundingBox: comment 
should appear in the preamble... is this correct?) which would imply 
some form of intermediate buffering of the postscript commands etc...

