[Gmsh] Configuration problem with Intel MKL

Mikhail Artemiev artemiev.mikhail at ngs.ru
Tue Apr 17 15:59:12 CEST 2012

Hi all!
My problem is:
I try to build Gmsh on SUSE Linux x86_64 where Intel MKL
is installed.
But CMake cannot find BLAS and LAPACK libraries.
In CMakeLists.txt I found MKL_LIBS_REQUIRED : mkl_gf_lp64
iomp5 mkl_gnu_thread mkl_core guide pthread
These libraries are in different places:

> find /common/intel -name "*mkl_gf_lp64*"

> find /common/intel/mkl/lib/intel64/ -name "*mkl_gf_lp64*"

The second path was found by CMake. mkl_gnu_thread and
mkl_core was also found by CMake in the same directory.
But path to iomp5 and guide was not found by CMake, though
I found them in other directories. The pthread library was
not found even by me.

First question: Is pthread so necessary for Gmsh, or I can
exclude it from MKL_LIBS_REQUIRED list?
Second question: How to force CMake to see iomp5 and guide
libraries? I tried -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH without success.
What can I do else?

CMake 2.8.7 and 2.6.2 - I tried both.
Gmsh 2.5.1 (20120322) and 2.4.2 - I tried both.

I can't change anything in MKL, because I have no rights.

P.S. When I excluded iomp5, guide and pthread from
configuration process succeeded, compilation succeded, but
linking process stopped with error,
because it was not found omp library.

Thanks in advance

Mikhail Artemiev