[gl2ps] Impossible to set bold or italic fonts in SVG.

Jean-Baptiste Silvy jean-baptiste.silvy at scilab.org
Tue Feb 24 18:23:45 CET 2009

Jean-Baptiste Silvy a écrit :
> Hello,
> I found a bug in SVG export related to fonts. GL2PS is supposed to
> support the 14 Type 1 fonts, such  as "Times-BoldItalic".
> The text export works well for Postscript and PDF outputs with these
> fonts. However, for SVG output the Bold and Italic informations are not
> used.
> The problem is that the font name specified in gl2psText is directly
> copied as the "font-family" in the SVG text markup.
> This gives a text markup like this one:
> <text fill="#000000" x="85" y="395" font-size="74"
> font-family="Times-BoldItalic">foo</text>
> However, it should be:
> <text fill="#000000" x="85" y="395" font-size="74" font-family="Times"
> font-style="italic" font-weight="bold">foo</text>
> A possible solution to fix the bug could be to parse the font name to
> retrieve the 3 SVG properties.
> An other one would be to add more options on gl2psText.
> Jean-Baptiste Silvy
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> gl2ps at geuz.org
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Here is a patch which implements the first solution I described above.
It just adds the "font-style" and "font-weight" fields to the text tag.

The function gl2psPrintSVGPrimitive should be replaced by this:


static BOOL gl2psIsPSFontContainingOption(const char * fontName, const
char * requestedOption)
    /* Return true if the font described by its */
    /* Postscript name has the specified option. */
    /* A Postscript font is made as following */
    /* <fontFamily>-<option1><option2> */
    /* <fontFamily> name of the font family */
    /* <optionI> Bold, Italic or Oblique */
    /* So the requested option must be either "Bold", "Italic" or
"Oblique" */

    /* Search for the beginning of options */
    char * optionString = strchr(fontName, '-');
    if (optionString != NULL)
        /* Some options are defined. */
        /* Check if the one we are looking for is there .*/
        return (strstr(optionString, requestedOption) != NULL);
    return FALSE;

static BOOL gl2psIsBoldPSFont(const char * fontName)
    return gl2psIsPSFontContainingOption(fontName, "Bold");

static BOOL gl2psIsItalicPSFont(const char * fontName)
    return gl2psIsPSFontContainingOption(fontName, "Italic");

static BOOL gl2psIsObliquePSFont(const char * fontName)
    return gl2psIsPSFontContainingOption(fontName, "Oblique");

static int gl2psGetPSFontFamilyNameLength(const char * fontName)
    return (int) strcspn(fontName, "-");

static int gl2psGetPSFontFamilyName(const char * fontName, char *
    /* Extract the family name of a font from its PS name */
    int familyNameLength = gl2psGetPSFontFamilyNameLength(fontName);
    strncpy(familyName, fontName, familyNameLength);
    /* strncpy doesn't add the null terminating character */
    familyName[familyNameLength] = 0;

static void gl2psPrintSVGPrimitive(void *data)
   <<<<< SAME AS BEFORE >>>>>>
  case GL2PS_TEXT :
            char * fontName = prim->data.text->fontname; /* Postscript
font name */
            char * fontFamily = NULL; /* Family of the font */
            /* Get font options */
            BOOL isItalicFont = gl2psIsItalicPSFont(fontName);
            BOOL isObliqueFont = gl2psIsObliquePSFont(fontName);
            BOOL isBoldFont = gl2psIsBoldPSFont(fontName);

            /* Get font family */
            fontFamily =
gl2psMalloc((gl2psGetPSFontFamilyNameLength(fontName) + 1) * sizeof(char));
            gl2psGetPSFontFamilyName(fontName, fontFamily);
            gl2psSVGGetColorString(prim->verts[0].rgba, col);
            gl2psPrintf("<text fill=\"%s\" x=\"%g\" y=\"%g\" "
                            "font-size=\"%d\" font-family=\"%s\" "
                              col, xyz[0][0], xyz[0][1],
                                    (isItalicFont ? "italic" :
(isObliqueFont ? "oblique" : "normal")),
                                    (isBoldFont ? "bold" : "normal"),
  case GL2PS_SPECIAL :
<<<<< SAME AS BEFORE >>>>>>


Jean-Baptiste Silvy