[gl2ps] Python, gl2ps fault memory

Christophe Geuzaine cag32 at case.edu
Thu Mar 30 01:03:11 CEST 2006

Marco Bonifazi wrote:
> Hello!
> I've a problem.
> I'm working in a Python-PyOpengl work and I must use gl2ps.
> I'm trying to make a wrap with Swig and it seems to work, but sometimes 
> I have a fault memory (I'm working in Windows platform, I'm forced to 

Hi Marco - Can you be more specific? Where does the memory fault happen?

> use it).
> I think that I don't understand very well the use of feedback buffer 
> (which size must I use?).

The size depends on the scene you're rendering. Since the OpenGL 
feedback buffer is not dynamically resizable, one easy solution is to 
call gl2ps with growing buffer sizes, until the buffer is large enough 
(this is what is done in the example codes).

> Any suggest please?
> Does exist a better Python gl2ps?

I have no idea.


> Thanks also if you don't answer :-)
> -- 
> Marco Bonifazi
> www.marcobonifazi.it <http://www.marcobonifazi.it>
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Christophe Geuzaine
Assistant Professor, Case Western Reserve University, Mathematics