[gl2ps] GL2PS link to Fortran development environment

Tammy Henry thenry at ahydro.com
Thu Apr 29 17:19:04 CEST 2004

I have downloaded gl2ps and compiled an object code 
successfully, but encountered linker errors complaining of 
unresolved externals for each Fortran call to the gl2ps C 
subroutines.  Though well versed in Fortran/UNIX, I need help in 
getting hardcopy capability from our new Fortran/opengl programs 
on HP Itanium 2 with MS XP64 OS.  I thought it would be sufficient 
to simply link the gl2ps object code, but apparently a Fortran 
binding or wrapper may be needed.  Can you help direct me to the 
right people to enable us to produce postscript plots of our screen 

Thank you,
John Degnan
Vice President, Engineering
American Hydro Corporation
Phone:  (717) 755-5300
Email:  jdegnan at ahydro.com