[Getdp] GetDP (Vim) syntax File
Patricio Toledo Peña
patoledo at ing.uchile.cl
Fri May 9 03:17:31 CEST 2003
I know GetDP masters recomends emacs for heavy work, and i _do_not_ want to
start another war, but... as a vim user i like to share this simple syntax
with the entusiast community.
It's available in www.vim.org too.
Comments are encouraged, i hope it helps.
Happy GetDP.
Patricio Toledo P.
-------------- next part --------------
" Vim syntax file
" Language: GetDP
" Modificado: Patricio Toledo <patoledo at ing.uchile.cl>
" Last Change: mar may 6 21:39:46 CLT 2003
" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
syn region getdpMatch matchgroup=Identifier start="(" end=")" contains=ALL fold
syn region getdpMatch matchgroup=Identifier start="{" end="}" contains=ALL fold
syn region getdpMatch matchgroup=Identifier start="\[" end="]" contains=ALL fold
syn region getdpString start=+"+ end=+"+ oneline
syn match getdpArgument "\$\(\d\|\w\)\+"
syn match getdpArithmeticOperator "[-+%]"
syn match getdpArithmeticOperator "[\/\|\*]"
syn match getdpColons "[,;:]"
syn match getdpComment "//.*$"
syn match getdpError "[}\])]"
syn match getdpLogicalOperator "[||]"
syn match getdpLogicalOperator "[&&]"
syn match getdpNumber "\<\d\+\(\.\d*\)\=\([edED][-+]\=\d\+\)\=[ij]\=\>"
syn match getdpNumber "\.\d\+\([edED][-+]\=\d\+\)\=[ij]\=\>"
syn match getdpNumber "\<\d\+[ij]\=\>"
syn match getdpRegister "\#\d"
syn match getdpRelationalOperator "[<>]=\="
syn match getdpRelationalOperator "[!]="
syn keyword getdpBasisFunction BF_CurlGroupOfPerpendicularEdge
syn keyword getdpBasisFunction BF_dGlobal BF_NodeX BF_NodeY BF_NodeZ
syn keyword getdpBasisFunction BF_DivPerpendicularFacet BF_Region
syn keyword getdpBasisFunction BF_GradNode BF_CurlEdge BF_DivFacet
syn keyword getdpBasisFunction BF_GroupOfEdges BF_CurlGroupOfEdges
syn keyword getdpBasisFunction BF_GroupOfNodes BF_GradGroupOfNodes
syn keyword getdpBasisFunction BF_GroupOfPerpendicularEdge
syn keyword getdpBasisFunction BF_Node BF_Edge BF_Facet BF_Volume
syn keyword getdpBasisFunction BF_PerpendicularEdge BF_CurlPerpendicularEdge
syn keyword getdpBasisFunction BF_PerpendicularFacet
syn keyword getdpBasisFunction BF_RegionX BF_RegionY BF_RegionZ BF_Global
syn keyword getdpBasisFunction BF_Zero BF_One AliasOf AssociatedWith
syn keyword getdpConstraint Assign Init AssignFromResolution
syn keyword getdpConstraint InitFromResolution Network Link LinkCplx
syn keyword getdpCurrent $DTime $integer $Iteration $Theta $Time
syn keyword getdpCurrent $TimeStep $X $XS $Y $YS $Z $ZS $A $B $C
syn keyword getdpDefine DefineConstant DefineGroup DefineFunction
syn keyword getdpElement Line Triangle Quadrangle Tetrahedron Hexahedron
syn keyword getdpElement Prism Pyramid Point
syn keyword getdpFormulation Dof Dt DtDof DtDt DtDtDof JacNL NeverDt
syn keyword getdpFormulation FemEquation FemEquation Galerkin deRham Local
syn keyword getdpFormulation Global Integral LocalQuantity Symmetry
syn keyword getdpFunction Complex Re Vector Tensor TensorV TensorSym TensorDiag
syn keyword getdpFunction CompX CompY CompZ
syn keyword getdpFunction CompXX CompXY CompYZ
syn keyword getdpFunction CompYX CompYY CompYZ
syn keyword getdpFunction CompZX CompZY CompZZ
syn keyword getdpFunction List ListAlt StrCat
syn keyword getdpFunctionSpace Form0 Form1 Form2 Form3 Form1P Form2P Scalar
syn keyword getdpFunctionSpace SubSpace
syn keyword getdpFunction X Y Z XYZ
syn keyword getdpGreen Laplace GradLaplace Helmholtz GradHelmholtz
syn keyword getdpGroup DualEdgesOf DualFacetsOf DualVolumesOf
syn keyword getdpGroup EdgesOfTreeIn FacetsOfTreeIn
syn keyword getdpGroup FacetsOfVolumesOf ElementsOf GroupsOfNodesOf
syn keyword getdpGroup GroupsOfEdgesOf GroupsOfEdgesOnNodesOf
syn keyword getdpGroup Region Global NodesOf EdgesOf
syn keyword getdpInclude Include
syn keyword getdpIntegration Gauss GaussLegendre
syn keyword getdpJacobian VolAxiRectShell VolAxiSquRectShell
syn keyword getdpJacobian VolAxiSphShell VolAxiSquSphShell VolRectShell
syn keyword getdpJacobian Vol Sur Lin VolAxi SurAxi VolAxiSqu VolSphShell
syn keyword getdpMath Atan2 Sinh Cosh Tanh Fabs Fmod Cross Hypot Norm
syn keyword getdpMathFunction Exp Log Log10 Sqrt Sin Asin Cos Acos Atan
syn keyword getdpMathFunction F_Period SquNorm
syn keyword getdpMathFunction Unit Transpose TTrace F_Cos_wt_p F_Sin_wt_p
syn keyword getdpMiscFunction dInterpolationAkima Order
syn keyword getdpMiscFunction dInterpolationLinear InterpolationAkima
syn keyword getdpMiscFunction F_CompElementNum InterpolationLinear
syn keyword getdpMiscFunction Printf Normal NormalSource
syn keyword getdpName BasisFunction Entity Quantity Equation Operation
syn keyword getdpName NameOfCoef NameOfConstraint NameOfFormulation
syn keyword getdpName NameOfMesh NameOfPostProcessing NameOfSpace
syn keyword getdpName Name Type Case NameOfResolution NameOfBasisFunction
syn keyword getdpName NameOfSystem System
syn keyword getdpObject Group Function Constraint FunctionSpace
syn keyword getdpObject Jacobian Integration Formulation Resolution
syn keyword getdpObject PostProcessing PostOperation
syn keyword getdpPostOperation ChangeOfValues GmshGmshParsed Table
syn keyword getdpPostOperation Depth Skin Smoothing HarmonicToTime Dimension
syn keyword getdpPostOperation OnElementsOf OnRegion OnGlobal OnSection
syn keyword getdpPostOperation OnGrid OnPoint OnLine OnPlane OnBox File
syn keyword getdpPostOperation Sort Iso NoNewLine ChangeOfCoordinates
syn keyword getdpPostOperation TimeStep Frequency Format Adapt Target Value
syn keyword getdpPostOperation TimeTable Gnuplot Adaptation
syn keyword getdpPostProcessing Local Integral
syn keyword getdpResolution FourierTransform TimeLoopTheta TimeLoopNewmark
syn keyword getdpResolution GenerateSeparate Update InitSolution
syn keyword getdpResolution Generate Solve GenerateJac SolveJac
syn keyword getdpResolution IterativeLoop
syn keyword getdpResolution SaveSolution SaveSolutions TransferSolution
syn keyword getdpResolution SystemCommand If Else Print Lanczos
syn keyword getdpResolution TransferInitSolution SetTime SetFrequency
syn keyword getdpSpec Not All
" Define the default highlighting.
" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_getdp_syntax_inits")
if version < 508
let did_getdp_syntax_inits = 1
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
HiLink getdpArgument String
HiLink getdpArithmeticOperator Operator
HiLink getdpBasisFunction Type
HiLink getdpColon Special
HiLink getdpComment Comment
HiLink getdpConstant Operator
HiLink getdpConstraint Type
HiLink getdpCurrent String
HiLink getdpDefine Type
HiLink getdpElement Type
HiLink getdpError Error
HiLink getdpFormulation Type
HiLink getdpFunction Function
HiLink getdpFunctionSpace Type
HiLink getdpGreen Type
HiLink getdpGroup Type
HiLink getdpInclude Include
HiLink getdpIntegration Type
HiLink getdpJacobian Type
HiLink getdpLogicalOperator Operator
HiLink getdpMath Function
HiLink getdpMathFunction Function
HiLink getdpMiscFunction Function
HiLink getdpName Operator
HiLink getdpNumber Number
HiLink getdpObject TODO
HiLink getdpPostOperation Type
HiLink getdpPostProcessing Type
HiLink getdpRegister String
HiLink getdpRelationalOperator Operator
HiLink getdpRepeat Repeat
HiLink getdpResolution Type
HiLink getdpSpec Underlined
HiLink getdpString String
delcommand HiLink
let b:current_syntax = "getdp"